How Does Rogue One Compare to Other Star Wars Films?

How Does Rogue One Compare to Other Star Wars Films?

Rogue One was released just about 24 hours ago. It is different than the other Star Wars movies, in many ways. But still: Is it as good as some of the others?

8. Attack of the Clones- Still the worst. Rogue One, despite being weird, was better than this garbage. 

7. The Phantom Menace- This one was fun to watch, like Rogue One, but lacked real movie goodness.

6. Rogue One- It wasn't like any Star Wars we had ever seen. It had the dark tone of Revenge, the vibe of Awakens, and the action of Attack, but it still had its own unique flavor.

5. A New Hope- Great and revolutionary, but can get super boring for younger kids. Rogue One wasn't boring. 

4. Revenge of the Sith- Dark, brooding, and intense, Revenge was better than its prequels but was sloppy in dialogue and acting.

3. The Force Awakens- This one had the same feel and some of the same background ideas as Rogue One, but was just less confusing and more happy. 

2. Return of the Jedi- Return was climatic, light-spirited, and funny. But it also remained dramatic and action-packed.

1. The Empire Strikes Back- Still the golden Star Wars movie. It had great characters, a great plot, great humor, and was intense and more grown-up at the same time. Truly a masterpiece.

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